
Percentage of adults with a financial product as of June 2022 in credit establishments, financial cooperatives supervised by Supersolidaria and NGOs specializing in microcredit.


Corresponds to the number of adults with a financial product as of June 2022.


The percentage of adults with an active financial product in credit institutions supervised by Superfinanciera, credit unions supervised by Supersolidaria and microcredit NGOs, as of June 2022.


Corresponds to the number of financial offices and Banking Correspondents as of December 2020

Programas de inclusión financiera


Ability to access financial products and services, considering possible barriers (information asymmetries, physical proximity, cost, among others).


It considers aspects such as: regularity, frequency, term of use, among others. Evaluates the depth and permanence in the use of financial products and services, seeking to determine the frequency and duration of use, as well as the combinations or portfolios of products available to people.

Financial literacy
Financial literacy

Programs that seek to create knowledge and encourage attitudes and behaviors that are necessary for individuals to make sound and informed financial decisions and improve their well-being.

 Financial quality and well-being
Financial quality and well-being

The quality dimension of financial inclusion establishes whether financial services fulfill the needs of its users, whereas financial well-being is a state wherein individuals can meet their financial obligations and feel secure about their financial future.

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